Voltron Day

Everyone has been waiting anxiously for Jan 20th….we finally get to find out if the paladins of Voltron defeat the Galra empire and save the universe! Now, If you don’t know what I am talking about, I am refering to the Netflix Original series Voltron: Legendary Defender. The cartoon is a remake of the 1980’s anime Voltron: Defender of the Universe. I haven’t watched the original series, but I am a big fan of the new version. It is a sci-fi tv show that takes place in the future. The main characters are five teenagers who pilot mystical lion-fighter-spaceships and literally form a giant robotic warrior called Voltron. The five are defenders of the universe and fight against the evil emperor Zarcon, who tries to conquer the entire universe. I definitely recommend this series, and I think it has a good balance of action and humor.

Anyway, this past summer I recreated some frames from the first episode, and I thought that since today is technically Voltron day, with the premier of the second season and all, it was the perfect time to share these drawings. Hope you enjoy!

img_2250img_2232img_2253  So, the first picture is from the very end of the first episode. I liked this picture because  it included everyone. In the second one, I started drawing the figures, and I colored in Shiro. At first I wasn’t sure If I was going to sketch everyone because My sketchbook is a different width then the picture. Looking back on this, I realize I probably should have drawn this in landscape. in the last picture, I moved some of the people around so everyone would fit in the picture. I made some mistakes along the way (Keith’s mouth) and it isn’t perfect, but I consider it to be pretty good for a first try. I may draw this again with copic or prismacolor pencils.img_2254img_29301

Ok, so this is my second attempt at drawing Voltron.I have so many issues with it that I like much less than the first one. Honestly, I just feel bad for Keith. I really have a problem drawing that guy. It’s not terrible, but there are a lot of things I would change if I did it again.

Anyway, that’s what I have and I hope you liked it. In the future I will probably be drawing more Voltron (when I get the time) and hopefully it will be much better. Also, I am painting a magnificent monochromatic miniature of Morgan Freeman (just kidding, it’s full size) which I will be able to post soon. Stay tuned for more art.

-Artemis out.

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